Join us as a Cadet
Get in contact with us to arrange a visit or book your place on one of our open nights.
You can contact us via email, Facebook, or by phone. Find out more on our Contact page
When you visit the squadron make sure to bring along your parents so you can both can see what we do and get a chance to chat to cadets who are already having a great time as a member of the Squadron. On this night you'll receive your joining pack.
On your first night down you’ll need to bring in your completed consent and medical information forms. You’ll spend some time getting to know the other cadets in the Recruit Flight and be properly introduced to all the staff members.
Your initial training is split into 3 parts, and all 3 should be completed within 6 months of you joining the squadron.
You will find yourself out and about practicing your navigation skills, learning about the RAF and the ATC as well as the physics behind aeroplanes.
Part one and two of your Initial training should be completed within 3 months of you joining. At this point you can be enrolled as a full member of the squadron.
The enrolment ceremony is a great opportunity to invite your parents down for the night to see what you’ve done in such a short amount of time!

Join us as an Adult Volunteer
The Air Training Corps is reliant on its committed adult volunteers to run most day to day activities on a squadron. Collectively these are known as the Cadet Forces Adult Volunteers (CFAV) and each person holds one of 4 roles on a squadron.
On Joining a squadron, it is possible to join as either a NCO, CI or as a member of the Civilian Committee.
Officers on Air Training Corps squadrons hold a Cadet Forces Commission, and generally form the management team of the squadron. Generally they are responsible for the planning, organisation and administration of the activities and the training that the cadets undergo.
NCO’s are part of the Drill & Discipline side of the squadron. Generally they are responsible for the standards and dress of the cadets, as well as planning and organisation of activities.
Civilian Instructor is one of the most flexible positions in the ATC – you can put in as much or as little commitment as you can manage. Primarily a CI’s role is to instruct the cadets in a subject (or subjects) of your choice from the many covered in our training syllabus.
Civilian Committee Member The Civilian Committee is a group of 5 – 12 people who hold an interest in the continued success of the squadron, but might not necessarily feel able to commit enough to warrant becoming a full time staff member. Civilian Committees are appointed by election from members of the squadron association.
Get in contact with us to arrange a visit. You will chat to a member of staff about what is expected of any Adult Volunteer, and where you’re interests lie.
You can contact us via email, Facebook, or by phone.
Find out more on our contact page.
You will be asked to complete the RAF Air Cadets (RAFAC) Adult Volunteers Application Form, a Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS), and a Volunteer Agreement.
If you are looking to volunteer as a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) then you will also need to also complete a HMRC Starter Checklist.
All new staff must book an appointment with our Permanent Staff at Wing HQ for verification of BPSS and issue/completion of a DBS. ALL identification documentation and completed forms must be brought to this appointment.
Once you’ve received your DBS certificate you will need to bring it to the squadron and a photocopy taken to send to Wing HQ. You can now start attending the squadron on a probationary period of 6 months as a Civilian Instructor (CI) or 12 months as a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO).
Those looking to become Officers must complete at least 1 year of
service as either a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) or Civilian
Instructor (CI) prior to submitting an application for commission.
Once submitted, all candidates are required to attend, and pass a 2 day
selection process at the Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre (OASC).
Successful candidates for commission are awarded the rank of Pilot
Officer (Plt Off) and are placed on a 12 month probationary period,
during which time the individual must attend and complete the Officers
Initial Course (OIC) at the Air Cadet Training Facility (ATF).