Training in the Air Training Corps
As a cadet within the Air Training Corps, you will undertake a syllabus of training which is designed to encourage all cadets to engage with a wide variety of activities.
Advancement through a series of progressive awards at blue, bronze, silver and gold levels aims to provide opportunities to enhance skills and achieve nationally recognised qualifications and awards, whilst at the same time, building confidence and developing teamwork and leadership qualities.

All new cadets will undertake training within the First Class Cadet syllabus and this allows blue level awards and badges to be achieved in a variety of subjects including; Basic Radio Operator and Cyber Awareness, Heartstart First Aid, Foundation Level Leadership and a pre-Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Additional badges are available for air rifle shooting and a musicians badge can be awarded if a cadet has a recognised music board examination at Grade 3 level.
Flying and Gliding Aviation Training Packages are available from
the age of 13 years and 3 months and blue wings will be presented once
the elements of ground school, Part Task Trainer and airborne sorties
are completed.
Once a blue badge has been
awarded, cadets can engage in further levels of the Progressive Training
Syllabus which allows them to maintain a positive level of engagement
with training and provides a focus on achievement throughout their time
as a cadet.
The highest awards at gold level recognise significant levels of achievement and some are linked to instructor qualifications or nationally recognised awards. These include; Instructor First Aid, Cyber Specialist, National Musician, Advanced Leadership, Competition Marksman, Pilot Scholarship and gliding to solo standard.
Nationally Recognised Qualifications
Through the Cadet Vocational Qualification Organisation (CVQO), the Air Cadets provide the opportunity to gain a variety of nationally recognised qualifications at every level.
In addition to the 3 listed on the right, Level 2 and Level 3 Diplomas and Awards are available in; Sport, Leadership and Team Skills and Leadership and Management. Cadets are generally eligible for these after the completion of specialist courses provided by the RAF Air Cadets.

BTEC Level 1 Certificate in Teamwork, Personal Skills and Citizenship
- Available to any cadet who completes their First Class cadet training.
- No additional work required.
BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate and Diploma in Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community (QCF)
- Cadets must be aged 16 or over at start of academic year of enrolment.
- Most requirements met by normal cadet training & activities.
- One single external workbook.
BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate and Diploma in Music for Practical Performance (QCF)
- Cadets must be aged 16 or over at start of academic year of enrolment.
- Cadets required to complete one external workbook, organise and preform in a public performance.
Specialist BTEC Level 2 in Aviation Studies for RAF Air Cadets
- Available to all cadets who complete their classification training up to Master Air Cadet level.